Software Usage in Chemical Organisations

Please fill in the form below on the software usage in your Chemical industry or institute.
Email address:


Consulting Engineering Manufacturing Research
Training Utilities
Cement Dyes and Paints Fertilizers Fine chemicals
Food Inorganic products Petrochem/Refineries Pharmaceuticals
Polymers Unit equipments
Other (Please specify)

Software Used For

Batch scheduling Engg calculations Equipment design
Inventory control Learning aid Letters/faxes/email etc
Operator training Personnel related Process control
Process design Process modelling Process monitoring
Piping engineering Quality testing Reporting
Sales/finance related Simulation Website hosting
Other (Please specify)

Softwares Used

Name Description What we use it for Number of users

Problem Areas in the Software Usage

Please tick the ones you experience:

Not well supported by software vendors.
Softwares need exhaustive training to be productive.
The user interface is generally not as friendly as one would like it to be.
Softwares do not provide sufficient online help.
The softwares do not provide for good printing.
Software does not handle all cases relevant to my work.
No integration. Results from one software have to be manually fed to the another.
Organisation is not keen on employees using computers.
Lack of knowledge about the usage/ capabilities of available softwares.
Using softwares does not make my job easier.
It is no fun using computers.
Other (Please specify)

Top Five Expectations which Must be Met by a New Software


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